Norman Takeuchi Retrospective Exhibition “Shapes in Between” Opening Reception

On April 13th, the Embassy of Japan and the Ottawa Art Gallery hosted an opening reception for Japanese-Canadian artist Norman Takeuchi’s retrospective exhibition “Shapes in Between”, which started on April 1st. Many people from the Japanese community and officials from the City of Ottawa attended the event.
In his remarks at the opening ceremony, Ambassador Yamanouchi said that Mr. Takeuchi’s works connect past and future and gives hope. He also mentioned Mr. Takeuchi’s contribution to designing the Canadian pavilion at the Osaka Expo in 1970, and added that Japan will cooperate with Canada for the success of the Osaka Expo 2025. Alexandra Badzak, Director of Ottawa Art Gallery, Mark Schaan, Board Chair, and Mark Sutcliffe, Mayor of Ottawa also delivered their remarks and said this exhibition is a wonderful opportunity to promote understanding of the Japanese community and strengthen the solidarity between communities.  
At the reception, sushi demonstrated by the Ambassador’s chef and Japanese sake were served, and gained popularity among guests.
Following the reception, there was a collaborative performance by the Ottawa-based Taiko group Oto-Wa Taiko and indigenous drum group Spirit Wolf Singers.
 Shapes in Between: Norman Takeuchi – A Retrospective will be at the Ottawa Art Gallery until August 27th.
Director Badzak introducing Ambassador Yamanouchi Board Chair Schaan Mayor Sutcliffe

(from left)Board Chair Schaan, Ambassador Yamanouchi,
Mr. and Mrs. Takeuchi, Mayor Sutcliffe and Director Badzak
Ambassador’s chef Mr. Shima preparing sushi

A collaborative drum performance by Oto-Wa Taiko and Spirit Wolf Singers